Thursday, September 18, 2008

September Mornings

I love September mornings. No more sticky heat, no more pesky flies. Just nice and cool, with a hint of warmth from the sun.

Decided to play with my human this morning. She didn't seem to impressed after I snapped her bra strap. I found it funny, that will teach her to still be in tank tops when its that chilly out.

I tried to get out of her grasp this morning as well. What human doesn't like a good game of catch me. The last time she ran frantic after me as I ran up and over the hill. I would have gone further but that scary creek and bridge sent me back towards the barn! Still it took her 45 minutes to get me. I love letting her get close enough to grab me, then snort and bolt out of reach. Good times!

But back to grazing and maybe chasing those freaking rabbits that keep streaking through our paddock.

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