Thursday, October 23, 2008

I need more hair....

Why I do not grow a winter coat well I dunno. Human wonders if  it has to do with one of the many types of horses I have in me. Apparently I'm quite a mix!
My brother Benny looks like a bare already, he's fuzzy and warm. Me I'm shaking in my stall and it isn't even winter yet. 
We did get snow though and it was freezing so my human pulled out the polar fleece blankets. Benny has a black one, Beauty's is bright blue, and I........... I have a TIGER PRINT ONE. No idea what my human was thinking when she got me a tiger print one.  If I could roll my eye's I would! My Human keeps saying it fits my personality?? Even though I look ridiculous I am now nice and toasty at night. Trying to enjoy the last little bit of time naked outside.
Blacksmith comes tomorrow will try and fling him harder this time!

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